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7 quotes & wishes
Quotes and wishes: «E-books»

Quotes & Wishes - Entirely new forms of publishing Entirely new forms of publishing

Apple doesn’t need to maximize book sales. It simply needs to keep publishers happy enough to maintain an impressive-sounding inventory of titles while waiting for entirely new forms of publishing to develop.
Virginia Postrel
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Quotes and wishes: «E-books»

Quotes & Wishes - I don’t think I don’t think

I don’t think tablets are where we should be focused. But I do think they could end up being an efficient way of delivering textbooks. They’re just not really that, yet. There’s all sorts of poisons and mined minerals and carnage that goes on to make a tablet. Way more than to print a book. Or a bunch of books.
Douglas Rushkoff
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Quotes and wishes: «E-books»

Quotes & Wishes - If you’re going to buy a real book If you’re going to buy a real book

If you’re going to buy a real book, a paper book, there better be a good reason. Perhaps scarcity is one of those reasons.
Seth Godin
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Quotes and wishes: «E-books»

Quotes & Wishes - It won’t necessarily protect it It won’t necessarily protect it

Purchasing and downloading a book on to your e-reader won’t necessarily protect it from disappearing.
Jonathan Zittrain
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Quotes and wishes: «E-books»

Quotes & Wishes - It’s very difficult It’s very difficult

It’s very difficult to read a book on your computer.
Paulo Coelho
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Quotes and wishes: «E-books»

Quotes & Wishes - People wanted me to do a CD-ROM People wanted me to do a CD-ROM

People wanted me to do a CD-ROM of ’Hitchhiker’s,’ and I thought, ’No, no.’ I didn’t want to just sort of reverse-engineer yet another thing from a book I’d already written. I think that the digital media are interesting enough in their own right to be worth originating something in.
Douglas Adams
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Quotes and wishes: «E-books»

Quotes & Wishes - The greatest invention The greatest invention

To me, the greatest invention of my lifetime is the laptop computer and the fact that I can be working on a book and be in an airport lounge, in a hotel room, and continue working; I fire up my laptop, and I’m in exactly the same place I was when I left home - that, to me, is a miracle.
Bill Bryson
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