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CalendarOctober14 → National Case Manager Week in South Africa

National Case Manager Week in South Africa

National Case Manager Week in South Africa is held on October 14. This event in the second decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
14 October - National Case Manager Week in South Africa
Case managers are experts in observation and follow best practice guidelines to help injured employees best manage pain. Case managers help all health care stakeholders. To obtain optimum value for clients and reimbursement sources, case managers identify appropriate providers and facilities across the continuum of health care and human services while ensuring that available resources are timely, cost-effective, and efficient.
CMASA is the Case Manager Association of South Africa. During this special week, South Africa acknowledges and celebrates case management and transition of care teams – bringing awareness and recognition to those who make a difference in the lives of patients and easing their journey of care.

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