Holiday Calendar for El Salvador in August
El Salvador is Central America’s smallest nation by size but It is also the most densely populated nation in the region. This is a staunchly Catholic country. Traveling in El Salvador is the best way to immerse yourself in the culture of the country and the local foods.
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Doce uvas (the Spanish New Year's tradition of eating twelve grape varieties, one for each of the twelve clock strokes by midnight, subsequently spread in such Spanish-speaking countries as Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica et al);
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Some salvadoran traditions
Central American traditions include festivities that combine indigenous and Spanish influences, religious festivities, civic festivals and popular festivities.
Almost all residents speak Spanish, which was brought in by the conquistadors.
El Salvador food is probably the most popular among the Central America cuisines. Pupusas are El Salvador’s staple food. Curtido, a spicy, vinegar-based condiment made from cabbage, carrots, and other veggies is often served with pupusas. Ensalada in El Salvador aren’t just salads—they’re also fruit drinks, made of chopped-up fruit called refresco de ensalada de fruita...