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Pet and Animal Holidays celebrated around the World

Pet and Animal Holidays celebrated around the World for 2024-2025 year
Most Animal Holidays are dedicated to the preservation and protection of wild animals and their habitats throughout the world. Supported and launched by wildlife organizations and animal lovers in countries across the globe, most such Holidays were founded as an effort to raise awareness of animal welfare, and encourage the support of wild animal habitat conservation programs and animal rescue organizations and sanctuaries. Every year many Animal Holidays have a new conservation theme with corresponding artwork, educational materials, and activities. Pet Holidays are often intended as fun holidays to appreciate our fluffy friends, and thank them for their endless and unconditional love. Pet Holidays founders also intend these Holidays to improve the welfare of pets by trying to stop cruelty towards them, and educating pet owners about the special issues involved with taking care of the animals. Help us Help us 

List of Pet and Animal Holidays for 2024-2025 year

June 2024

Monday 10 June - Animal Rights Awareness Week ( Begins from the third week of June)
Sunday 16 June - World Sea Turtle Day (WWF is the world’s leading independent conservation organisation)
Monday 17 June - Take Your Dog to Work Week in US (Celebrated Monday after National Father's Day); Take Your Cat to Work Day in USA (Held on the third Monday of June); World Crocodile Day
Friday 21 June - World Giraffe Day (is an exciting annual event initiated by GCF to celebrate the longest-necked animal on the longest day or night); Take Your Dog to Work Day (Friday after Father's Day); National Dog Party Day in US

July 2024

Tuesday 23 July - World Whale and Dolphin Day (International Whaling Commission — IWC)
Wednesday 31 July - Mutt's Day (By definition a mutt, sometimes called a "Half-breed", is a dog that is of mixed breed)

August 2024

Sunday 4 August - International Assistance Dog Week (Starts on First Sunday in August)
Monday 12 August - World Elephant Day (Conceived in 2011 by Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures, and Sivaporn Dardarananda, Secretary-General of the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation in Thailand, it was officially founded, supported and launched by Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation on August 12, 2012)
Monday 26 August - US & UK National Dog Day (was founded by a woman - Colleen Paige - in 2004); International Dog Day (supported by the International Fund for the Protection of Animals)
Tuesday 27 August - World Day for the End of Speciesism (The concept appeared in 1970 in the work of British psychologist Richard D. Ryder, Speciesism)

September 2024

Sunday 8 September - National Pet Memorial Day in US (Second Sunday of September); Hug Your Hound Day (Second Sunday of September); National Dog Walker Appreciation Day in US; International Crane Day (Celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in September)
Sunday 15 September - Greenpeace Birthday (an international independent non-governmental environmental organization established in 1971 in Canada)
Friday 20 September - Love Your Pet Day (celebrated twice - in February and September); National Horse Day in Argentina
Saturday 21 September - Responsible Dog Ownership Day (Third Saturday in September); Puppy Mill Awareness Day (Third Saturday in September)
Monday 23 September - Dogs in Politics Day; Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week (Last Full Week in September); National Deaf Pet Awareness Week in USA (Held in the last full week of September)
Thursday 26 September - Remember Me Thursday (Held on the fourth Thursday in September)
Saturday 28 September - International Rabbit Day (Held on the fourth Saturday in September); World Rabies Day

October 2024

Sunday 6 October - Animal Welfare Week (First Full Week of October)
Wednesday 9 October - National Pet Obesity Awareness Day in USA (Held on the second Wednesday of October)
Friday 11 October - International Vet Nurse Day (Held on the second Friday of October)
Saturday 12 October - Fall World Migratory Bird Day (Held on the second Saturday of May and October with the support of the United Nations Environment Program - UNEP)
Sunday 13 October - African Penguin Awareness Day (All 17 species of penguins live in the southern hemisphere, but only three species live year-round in Antarctica)
Wednesday 16 October - Feral Cat Day (Global Cat Day, Alley Cat Allies); Hagfish Day (Held on the third Wednesday of October)
Saturday 19 October - Sloth International Day (Celebrated on the third Saturday in October)
Sunday 20 October - National Veterinary Technician Week in USA (sponsored by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians of America)

November 2024

Saturday 2 November - National Bison Day in United States (Celebrated on the first Saturday in November)
Thursday 14 November - World Chicken Day (Second Thursday of November)

December 2024

Saturday 14 December - International Monkey Day (The unofficial international holiday was created by artists Casey Gore and Eric Millikin to spread knowledge about animals and to show them care and love)

January 2025

Thursday 2 January - Happy Mew Year for Cats Day (The founders, Tom and Ruth Roy, wanted cats to have a very special New Year's celebration all to themselves); National Pet Travel Safety Day in US
Tuesday 21 January - Squirrel Appreciation Day in North Carolina (It is an unofficial holiday started by North Carolina wildlife rehabilitator Christy McKeown in 2001, as a way to encourage people to put out seeds and nuts for these cute rodents)

February 2025

Sunday 23 February - International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day (The first dog biscuits were developed in the mid-19th century by American manufacturer James Spratt); National Dog Biscuit Day in US
Tuesday 25 February - World Spay Day (Last Tuesday in February)

March 2025

Saturday 1 March - National Pig Day, Fruit Compote Day and National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day in United States; Horse Protection Day (Horse Protection Day was first observed in 2005 when it was founded by pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist Colleen Page); Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race (First Saturday in March)
Thursday 6 March - Crufts (The World's Largest Dog Show held in Birmingham, England)
Saturday 15 March - Buzzards Day (Buzzards are another word for turkey vultures, a species of vulture protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918)
Monday 17 March - National Animal Poison Prevention Week in USA (Third Full Week in March); Larks' Day in Latvia; Gertrude of Nivelles Day (“The Cat Lady of the Catholic Church”)

April 2025

Thursday 3 April - World Aquatic Animal Day (The first ever annual “World Aquatic Animal Day” took place April 3rd, 2020, with the inaugural theme of the aquaculture industry)
Saturday 5 April - Every Day is Tag Day (First Saturday in April)
Monday 7 April - International Beaver Day (The largest beaver-built dam is in Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta, Canada and is 850m long)
Tuesday 8 April - National Dog Fighting Awareness Day in US (As part of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month in April, the ASPCA)
Monday 14 April - National Dog Bite Prevention Week in US (the second full week of April )
Sunday 20 April - National Pet ID Week in US (Third Full Week of April starting with Sunday); Dancing Cow Day in Denmark (On the third Sunday of April); Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week in USA (Humane Society of the US – third week in April)
Monday 21 April - Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day (They are related to the Asiatic Mastiff, which, according to historical records, lived in Mesopotamia around 4,000 BC)
Tuesday 29 April - Birthday of the World Wildlife Fund (Date of foundation of the WWF April 29, 1961, Morges, Switzerland); Animal Day in Argentina

May 2025

Sunday 4 May - National Pet Week in US (First Full Week in May); Mayday for Mutts (First Sunday in May); Bird Day in the United States; American Humane Be Kind to Animals Week (celebrated since 1915, always first full week of May); Bird Day
Monday 5 May - Puppy Mill Action Week in US (Begins the Monday before Mother's Day); Cinco de Meow Day
Friday 16 May - World Endangered Species Day (This environmental date is celebrated on the third Friday of May); Sea Monkey Day (They’re known as Artemia New York Ocean Science and go through anhydrobiosis, or hibernation when they are dried out. Then, with the right mixture of water and nutrients they can spring right back into life)
Saturday 17 May - World Dog Day (started by The Vanderpump Dog Foundation in 2016. Celebrated on the third Saturday of May)
Friday 23 May - World Turtle Day (sponsored yearly since 2000 by American Tortoise Rescue, is to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive)
Wednesday 28 May - World Otter Day (Held on the last Wednesday of May)

June 2025

Sunday 1 June - National Black Bear Day in the USA (Held on the first Saturday in June)
Monday 2 June - Pet Appreciation Week (First Full Week in June); National Dog Day in Argentina (Día Nacional del Perro)

How to celebrate Animal and Pet Holidays

Never abuse an animal yourself, and try to get actively involved in protecting them in any possible way you can think of. Doing nothing does nothing to help animals in need. And…don’t forget to be nice to your pet, and indulge it with something delicious regardless of whether it is his(her) holiday today or not.
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